13 Years ago Today!

Biruks 13th birthday

On Friday, September 06, 2002, I was admitted to the hospital. I was pregnant with our youngest son, Biruk. He was growing so fast that they had to induce labor two weeks before his due date. By that time, he was already weighing nine pounds and three ounces. I didn’t gain weight as much as I was expected to because I was hardly able to keep anything down. I didn’t have any sugar or blood pressure problems, but the baby was growing at an alarming rate for no known reasons. When I was admitted to the hospital, I was 100% sure that I was going to have my baby naturally as I had my other kids. Well, when they began monitoring me, my baby’s heartbeat became erratic. They didn’t know why. The heartbeat sounded like the baby was about to stop living. Continue reading 13 Years ago Today!

“You offended some people by the video message you uploaded yesterday”

Hmm, I offended some people?

My friend, fornication, cohabitation, adultery and homosexuality are becoming our “alternative lifestyles” (we who profess to be Christians) while the Word of God says to us, “- – -Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

Divorce is becoming one of the ways we deal with difficult marriages while God says, “I hate divorce.” (Malachi 2:16) Continue reading “You offended some people by the video message you uploaded yesterday”

“What’s wrong with me?”

A4P Guest: “I’m a 22 year-old girl. I’ve been seeing this nice guy, 24 years old, for a couple years now. He is very serious about his faith in Christ (which I love the most). He is solid on his stand about sexual purity and what marriage should be. He loves me and cares about me. But these days, I feel like he doesn’t care about me but about himself and his goals. He is a very hard-worker, loves education and serves in his church. But he is not that passionate about me anymore. He used to at the beginning of our relationship but not anymore. He is just too busy with other things. I don’t even know how I can decide to marry him. I’m tired of being in a relationship but not being happy. What’s wrong with me?”

A4P: (Thank you for giving me permission to post our conversation on this page. Bless you!) Continue reading “What’s wrong with me?”


“Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.” James 1:27

Wow! Worthless! It means their religion or the relationship they claim they have with Jesus has no value or use; or their religion is “deserving contempt”. ///

Wonderful and gorgeous Monday morning!

I’m lying! It is not gorgeous at all down here! However, this is the day the Lord has given me and I choose to rejoice and be glad in it even if it is gloomy! (Psalm 118:24) Yes, I choose to rejoice in the LORD who is the Maker of this day! (Philippians 4:4)

Well, today is the day we will being the second round of competition that focuses on, “Beyond the Fairy Tale,” my first book.

So, as you did last time, drop us a picture of you with my book in the inbox. Once we receive your picture, we will go ahead and post it on the page. If your picture receives the highest number of likes, you will be the winner of this competition and receive two gifts: Continue reading Wonderful and gorgeous Monday morning!

The Christian Movie – War Room!

We couldn’t watch War Room yesterday, on the opening day, because the ticket was sold out but we watched it today!

My dearest, no kissing, no smooching! It is the purest and cleanest Christian movie ever with a strong message. After all, what do you expect from a RADICAL Christian movie director, Alex Kendrick but a safe movie for the whole family to sit, relax, WATCH and enjoy! Continue reading The Christian Movie – War Room!

It just Turns a Woman Off…

After my Berhan and I met for the first time, we didn’t start dating right away. I was busy with my school work and didn’t have time for other stuff. So, I was only willing to talk to him over the phone. I always had exams to worry about and didn’t accept his “Can I take you out for a cup of tea” requests for more than six months. What were we talking about on the phone then? Well, I used to tell him about my future plan, what I would like to be and most importantly I used to tell him what kind of man I might be interested in to marry. Mind you, I was 17. Continue reading It just Turns a Woman Off…

Purity for the brave hearted!