Our Son’s Story, with His Permission

I didn’t plan to upload this video but one father made my day this morning as he called and said to me: “Missy, my wife and I are listening to you; we are parents of little kids and we are learning a lot from your mistakes and challenges. So, keep it up!” Thank you my dear brother!

Yeah, so, I decided to upload this clip for them and for those who may find something important in it.

It is the story of our son, Abel Banko. He is 17 now and he gave me permission to share it with everyone who may benefit from story. He is such a gentle man, isn’t he!

Continue reading Our Son’s Story, with His Permission

When Repentance Becomes Notorious

John Angell James (the Puritan – 1785 – 1859) – There was one particular pastor who had been unfaithful to his wife, children and the church and later he was caught red-handed. Everybody in the church and in town heard the news. So, during that time, one of John Angell James’ students asked:
“Can this pastor be restored to his ministry after he has sinned grievously?”
John Angell James replied, “When his repentance is as notorious as his transgression was, then that pastor is ready to be restored to ministry.”
When our repentance is as notorious as our transgression, total healing comes not only to us but also to the whole body of Christ. ///

My Number One Christian Apologist

I’m so thankful for Christian apologists such as Ravi Zacharias! I can just sit and listen to Ravi the whole day without moving one finger.

From the zillion things I love about Ravi, the one thing I adore the most is this: His respectful approach to questions which ought to sound to him “- – -” (given what he knows) – hmm! How can he do that? Grace! His anointing! The Spirit of God, the Word of God he is filled in! What else? Phenomenal!

Have you ever heard him speak about sexual purity? You have to! That means, you have to take sometimes, if you haven’t already, and go through his Facebook page and website and everything he has online. Incredible! ///

He is not interested in sex anymore”

A4P Guest: My husband doesn’t pursue me for intimacy. I told him about Viagra but he is not willing to go to see his doctor. I tried to seek counseling from our church ministers but the thing is our church ministers blame me for everything, so I don’t want to go to them. What do I need to do for my husband to pursue me again for intimacy? He is not interested in sex anymore.
A4P: What do you mean your church ministers blame you for everything? Are they saying that you are the reason for your husband’s loss of interest for intimacy?
A4P Guest: Yes! They always say that I control and dominate my husband.
A4P: Do you?

Continue reading He is not interested in sex anymore”

“Why are you talking about sex?”

A4P Guest: “I get irritated when I hear you speak about sex. Sex is not something God cares about. And in the Bible, God kept the topic of sex as a taboo and it has to stay like that. Why are you talking about sex? Why don’t you talk about Jesus only?”
A4P: Very, very important questions; but before I address your questions, let me say this regarding two statements you made at the beginning of your message:

Continue reading “Why are you talking about sex?”

If Your Wife Says This – – –

If a Woman says First of all_n

Someone dropped this poster in my inbox and I laughed very hard. Why? It has some truth.

When an argument or a conflict erupts between a husband and a wife, I believe a man has to be very wise from which side he has to present his case.

Most of us women are very good at remembering events that happened ten or twenty five years ago; but not our husbands. We can remember because we tend to “tag” every event with emotion; which is a big help for our brain to retrieve past stories quickly and very easily. Our men, on the other hand, usually don’t tag events with “Oh, my! I love that!” Or “Aww! That is awesome!” Or, “My! That deeply hurt my feeling and I don’t think I will ever forget it” kind of emotion. So, it is easy for them to forget it.

Continue reading If Your Wife Says This – – –

Marriage Counseling on Skype

I don’t know how many of you know this but I do “marriage counseling” on Skype. I began giving this service a couple years ago and it’s been working perfectly for me and the people I serve. This service is only available to those who live in America, Europe and Australia because there is fee for the service and the payment can only be processed online through the PayPal mobile pay service. Here are the two letters from the people I counseled recently and in the process of counseling:
From Denver, Colorado
“We were so blessed to have Skype counseling with Dr. Missy. First, it was in the convenience of our home & we didn’t have to go anywhere. The Skype counseling was as if we were in one room with her. For someone, like my husband, who was hesitant to seek counseling, Skype counseling was the best choice for us.

Continue reading Marriage Counseling on Skype

I Forgot to Say this, Didn’t I?

Oops! I got sidetracked and completely forgot to mention this for the last three or four days. My! Where did the time go? I’m not really sure.

Anyways, here is the message I forgot to mention for the last three days:

Sex before marriage comes in a package with death; death in different “shapes and sizes” such as depression, being haunted by suicidal thoughts, despair, loneliness, sleeplessness, hopelessness, feeling of emptiness, sexually transmitted disease (STD), fear, guilt, shame, regret, loss of joy and peace, loss of opportunity to get married, loss of love, passion and sensitivity to the Spirit and Word of God, sexual dysfunction, and the list goes on and on and on.

Continue reading I Forgot to Say this, Didn’t I?

Purity for the brave hearted!