Category Archives: Singles

Wedding is not marriage

Wedding is a ceremony, and marriage is a ministry. These two are very different things. Wedding is a one-day deal and after that, it is gone, done, finished, “finito”! Whereas marriage, it is a lifetime commitment.
Here in America, “50 billion dollars a year is spent only for wedding ceremonies. One million copies of bridal magazines are sold each month” (from “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” – by Parrott and Parrott).
Regardless of people spending billions of dollars on their weddings, one out of two marriages are still ending in divorce.
Hmm! It made you think, didn’t it?

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Terry Crews Says:

“For years, years and years I was addicted to pornography”
“It was my secret that nobody knew and that allowed to grow and it got bad”
“My wife literally said, “I don’t know you anymore. I’m outta here.” And that changed me”
“I literally had to go to rehab for it”
“I did not get help so I could get my wife back. . . I got help because I needed it . . . my wife decided to stay with me because she knew I was repentant; she knew I was going to get help; she knew I was sorry. Let me tell you, IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO JUST ASK FORGIVENESS. It is always necessary to make amends; fix the problem, do whatever you can to fix the problem.” – and Terry said more.

Continue reading Terry Crews Says:

“We Accidentally Had Sex”

A4P Guest: My boyfriend and I grew up in church and we both had decided never to have sex before marriage; but yesterday we accidentally had sex. What should we do now?
A4P: What does “accidentally” mean?
A4P Guest: You know accident that happens before you know it.
A4P: Well, I ask this question because sex is not a rock you stumble over when you walk on a street. Sex requires many things to be set in place for it to happen; for example, you have to find a place where you guys can be all alone. But let me ask you. So, why did you guys decide to keep sex for marriage in the first place?
A4P Guest: Because Jesus said so.
A4P: Did Jesus say “Save sex for marriage?” Where?

Continue reading “We Accidentally Had Sex”

Fool me once

“Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me 50 thousand times, you are the weather man.”
Makes you smile and think twice, doesn’t it? Nobody fools you more than once unless you let them, and after you let them fool you multiple times, going around and blaming them for fooling you makes you look even more foolish.
You definitely teach others how to treat you. So, before you blame others for what they did to you, ask yourself this important question:
“Have I taught this person to treat me this way?”

Continue reading Fool me once

My Girl is Younger than me

A4P Guest: Is it wrong for me to marry a girl who is younger than me?
A4P: What do you mean? I’m glad you picked a girl who is younger than you. I think that is how it should be, should it not?
A4P Guest: I know but the girl I am dating now and deciding to marry is much younger than me.
A4P: How much younger?
A4P Guest: She is 24 years old.
A4P: That is a wonderful age for a girl to get married. Good for her! How old are you?
A4P Guest: I’m 41 years old.

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