Category Archives: Marriage

Do You Know This About Your Husband?

We women are more beautiful than men. No question about that. I mean, God made Adam from dirt and He made Eve, not from dirt, but from Adam. Don’t you love to read this story in the Bible? I do!
Well, that was one of my silly jokes. We all are made up of dirt; but the fact that we women are more beautiful than men is not a joke because we are. And it doesn’t matter how old we are, we love to hear about our beauty from others every day.

Continue reading Do You Know This About Your Husband?

Practical Advice

A4P Guest: I’ve been married for a couple years now and my husband enjoys more to chat with girls on Facebook than to sit and talk to me. I tried to talk to him but this issue becomes the most sensitive issue for him to deal with. I tried to talk to him last week and from that day on, he’s been sleeping in the living room. What do I need to do?
A4P: Is this how he always deals with conflicts, sleeping in the living room instead of dealing with the issue?

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Dating/Marrying An Unbeliever

From all the things God commanded His people, the Israelites, this one command got my attention last week:

“Do not plow with an ox and a donkey yoked together.” (Deuteronomy 22:10)

Okay, I clearly understand those commands such as, “Don’t kill” and “Don’t do adultery”; but “don’t yoke an ox and a donkey” command kind of got me a bit confused. Continue reading Dating/Marrying An Unbeliever