Congratulations to Biruk Banko!

What can we say to God except saying, “May Your name be praised forever and ever!”

Out youngest son, Biruk Banko, graduated from high school today, heading to University of Maryland to pursue his dream!

He is an honor, above 4.0GPA, student. We are very proud of him!

But for us, the most important thing we’re happy and proud about is this: Biruk loves, fears and knows His Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

There is NOTHING in this life important than that! Raising kids and sending them off to college with Christ means everything to us.

May God go before him!

Please bless my kind son! ///

P. S. If you wonder where our only daughter, second child, Lydia Banko, is, she is a third year chemical engineering student! We are very proud of her! All our kids are blessed to inherit their dad’s kind heart and brilliant brain????.