“Love Feels No Loads”

In the Old Testament time, the people of God had dos and don’ts. So, they day and night had to keep this in mind to do what they were supposed to do and to stay away from that which would make them a sinner.

Now in the New Testament, Jesus Christ put all those dos and don’ts of the Old Testament in one word, “Love!”

He loved us first, us who were not worthy of anybody’s love especially God’s. He not only loved us but He also died for us so we would be acquitted from guilty. He also raised from the dead so we would have a new life.

I mean, how can we not love Jesus Christ? It is hard not to for us who are regenerated and quickened by the Holy Spirit to see and understand this truth.

So, we keep only one commandment: Loving Him and loving one another! (Mark 12:30-31)

How does “loving Jesus Christ” look like?

Well, the word of God gives us the answer:

“In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” 1 John 5:3-4

So, according to the above passage, for the one who loves Jesus Christ, saying “No” to sin is not hard.

Think about it!

Jacob loved Rachel and he wanted her to be his wife. So, he made a proposal to her dad, Laban, to work for him for free for seven long years but at the end of the seven years, for Laban to give him Rachel.

Of course Laban took the offer gladly! And for seven long years, Jacob worked like a horse, running after Laban’s herds. Talk about suffering, this is! Jacob spent most of his days and nights, outside, with animals. He everyday put his life in danger as he fought with beasts which threaten to snatch the animals Jacob was shepherding.

Well, that is the way I see and narrate Jacob’s seven years but for Jacob, listen:

“So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.” Genesis 29:20


Did you read that? Seven long years seemed to Jacob like only a few days.


Jacob loved Rachel.

When we love Jesus Christ, learn how to live in His love, lead our lives in the love of Christ, obeying Christ’s word won’t be a “a burden or a load” for us but it will be a joy.

So, we shouldn’t put our focus on stopping this sin and starting that righteous deed, but our focus should be on nurturing the love that we have for Christ.

You may ask: How?

No rocket science here!

By striving to know Him, digging deep into His word, praying and spending more time alone with the Holy Spirit in prayer.

Then we don’t go around and say, “I wanted to stop viewing porn but it is tooooo hard for me to do,” or “I want to stop sleeping around but it is too hard decision for me to make,” because as one old proverb says, “Love feels no loads.” ///