First in Our Home

Let us not hold back a simple gesture of love from those who live with us closely, such as our spouse and kids. Most of us are good at surprising others with a simple or spontaneous gesture of love but we find it hard to do it to the very people who matter the most in our lives.

The simple gesture can be as simple as saying; “I prayed for you this morning so God’s favor will rest on you,” or as big as saying, “I will be your servant today for the whole day. Just let me know what you want me to do for you.”

Yeah, we usually say those things to our pastors, “Just call me whenever you want me,” but not to our spouses who have big part in our lives.

Well, how do we learn to do that?


By getting up and do it.

Remember, we don’t follow our emotions and feeling; rather we follow  to do what is right whether we feel it or not. Let’s practice giving a simple gesture of love to the people who live with us so that it will be our second nature.

When we do those kind gestures outside of our home, we show to God that we are good actors. And God doesn’t want actors but disciples who are faithful in small things (not on loving all the people of the world but first loving those three or four or more people who live with us). This is a fundamental spiritual principle that we need to put under our belt:

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.” Luke 16:10

Whatever a spiritual discipline we need to have, we need to train ourselves up first in our home. We have to get it right there in our home before we find ourselves practicing it outside of our home. ///