
There is nothing in life as fulfilling and rewarding as motherhood!
I don’t know about you but for me that is very true.

You know, this little boy who is smooching his mom’s lips is my first son, Abel Banko. I was pregnant with my second child, Lydia Banko, during this time and I was about to go somewhere and he was giving me a goodbye kiss.
And if you ask me, “How or when did that little boy become 20 years old today and soon to be 21,” my answer is,
Seriously! I miss being the mother of little kids.
It is okay. I am still a mother and with God’s grace and mercy, I will soon become a grandmother. I mean, you can’t beat that?. And that is why I said, I really love, enjoy and appreciate being a mom! The joy is lasting for a lifetime.
Hey, happy Mother’s Day to all of you who are celebrating Mother’s Day this coming Sunday.
Yes, we all women are mothers whether we have our own children or not. You know why I said that?
Well, can you even picture this world without we women being in it?
Oh, please! I can’t even imagine!
Yes, we women, even when we don’t have our own children, we mother the whole world as we add beauty and order, design (especially a color design) to it as we clean and straighten up things which otherwise will be left as they are for ages.
Who am I speaking about, indirectly? Yes, about men! We do love our men but men don’t bring any beauty to this world. They only bring, let me think?
What do they bring?
Give me some time to think long and hard.
Okay, I got it: We women are found from them (1 Cor 11). So, they gave the most important and beautiful part of their being to this world (one of their ribs). So, sure, they deserve to be thanked. So, thank you all the men out there!
Anyways, Happy Mother’s Day to all of you beautiful women! Enjoy your day! ///