When I don’t Desire God


I want to share with you the book I just finished reading:
“When I don’t desire God,” by John Piper.

John Piper is one of my favorite authors, pastors, preachers and theologians that I listen to and love to read his books. For me personally, having John Piper at this time in this generation while I am still alive is like having Jonathan Edwards (October 5, 1703 – March 22, 1758).
You know, I would love to read all Jonathan Edward’s books and writings but the problem is, I don’t understand most of his points. Why?
Well, I struggle a lot to understand his biblical thoughts and ideas clearly because his English is too old for me and guess what? John Piper is a disciple of Jonathan Edwards, (don’t quote me on that one though?) and I can understand Piper’s English.
I said John Piper is Edwards’ disciple because Piper himself said on many occasions how he had been ministered and mentored by Edwards’ works for more than 30 years. So, when I read Piper’s books, especially this one, I had to go back to the front page of the book to check and see if the author’s name is Edwards or Piper, I am serious, because these two men sound almost the same, at least for me. I thank God for giving John Piper to this generation. Oh, I pray for God to give him more grace and years!
Anyways, I recommend this wonderful book to everyone to read. Oh, this book corrects your wrong or faulty views of the word of God in the area of joy and frees your life on so many different levels just as the word of God says, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
This book is all about “how to fight for joy” – which is the subtitle of the book. 
I think compare to all the books I read this year, this particular book revived my soul, spirit and mind the most in a very unique way.
After reading this book, this is what my soul is saying to God:  ‘LORD, how unsearchable and beautiful are Your ways! How marvelous and wonderful are Your truths to my soul! Oh, Father, please open my spiritual eyes and renew my mind so I can see and know more of Your Son, Jesus Christ.’ 
Oh, my friends, indeed, Jesus Christ is the only Answer we have in this world. He is Emmanuel, God with us! 
I better close this post with three quotes from this wonderful book before I write 500 pages because, I am telling you, I am in that ‘writing mood’.
Thank you, Pastor John Piper, for writing this book and all of your books! 
“For “the ungodly” – who know that they are riding the Titanic to destruction – the best news in all the world is the news that God will, by faith alone, count them as righteous because of Christ. This is the great ground of joy in the word of the cross: Justification is by grace alone (not mixed with our merit), through faith alone (not mixed with our works), on the basis of Christ alone (not mingling his righteousness with ours), to the glory of God alone (not ours).” p. 83
“The fight for joy is a battle to be fought alongside comrades. We do not fight alone. To be a Christian is to be a part of the Body of Christ. We are meant to help each other fight for joy. This was the apostle’s life: “We work with you for your joy” (2 Cor. 1:24).” p. 173
“If we want the joy of seeing and savoring God in Christ, we must not make peace with our sins. We must make war.” p. 223 ///