Yesterday’s Post

I didn’t get a chance to come back to the page for sometime after yesterday’s post. When I came back to the page, I noticed that some people saw or understood the post in a completely different way.

I respect differences but not assumptions, especially wrong assumptions. In most of the comments, I read assumptions and I am not sure how someone doesn’t question his/her assumptions especially before making conclusions about another individual that they know nothing about but I leave that to young people to wrestle with and learn from it.
Indeed, “Assumptions are dangerous things.” ~ Agatha Christie.
I know, it is hard to not assume sometimes but it is good to train ourselves not to assume. Instead, let’s ask like a child (with an open and innocent mind) and learn like an adult. This will lead us not only to facts but to the “T” truth. “Where have you been all these times” kind of question doesn’t beg an answer because it already carries its own answer.
I didn’t ask which tribe those little and beautiful kids and their mothers came from when I published yesterday’s post. Why should I? The value I hold dearly demands from me better questions than that. “Where do these little kids get food from? For how long can they live under this dangerous circumstance? What about their mothers? What I, one person, can do to help them? How can I let others know about this condition so they too can help?”  
The word of God says, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Because of this particular verse, I believe that every human being is an image bearer, bearer of the image of God. (And I see every Ethiopian as an Ethiopian and a human being not based on their tribe. As I know other nations, I resolve to know Ethiopians as Ethiopians until they tell me that they are not from Ethiopia.)
Why did I react the way I reacted to yesterday’s video? I don’t think it is fair to ask me that question because I am a mother of three beautiful kids.
Someone may ask, “What about other mothers and kids that went through similar situations? How come you didn’t say anything about them?”
Again, this kind of question carries lots of assumptions, “You must have watched the previous incidents in a similar fashion and you chose to ignore them. These people must be from the same tribe as you are. You’re basically a politician to publish this kind of post. You must belong to or support this or that political party.” Very sad assumptions because they all are wrong assumptions.   
As I said, I don’t really appreciate assumptions. Assumptions don’t lead anyone to knowledge and truth.
Let me close by saying this: As Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, let’s all strive to help others who can’t help themselves because good works are the fruit of our lives. It is always easy to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the needy. But striving to go against this kind of tendency is what Christianity is all about. 
Sure, doing good may cost us some but guess what? At the end of the day, we sleep with a peaceful mind and go to God early in the morning in prayer with a conscience that doesn’t condemn us.
Yes, let’s do and say the next right thing that benefits others and bring glory and praise to Jesus Christ.
Oh, how I love Jesus! I really do! He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6) ///
P. S. By the way, if you want to help these little kids and their mothers, find the link on yesterday’s post in the comment section. Please give! Remember, no gift is too small.