Pure Religion!


When we say “No” to sin, we say “Yes” to God and this very action the word of God calls it a “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless,” in addition to helping orphans and widows in their time of distress (James 1:27).

When, for example, we say “No” to watch inappropriate things on Facebook, YouTube and whatnot, we are literally worshipping God.

Isn’t that cool, fun and easy? And we don’t need anybody to clap for us for doing that because the Creator of this universe says, “Good job my child!”

I mean, what more do we need? Nothing!

By the way, James is a half brother of Jesus. For me personally, this one fact alone makes the Book of James a very special book from all the books of the Bible.

And whenever I read the Book of James, I always notice how his message is revolving around true faith that ALWAYS expresses itself in good works, including a life that is always running after purity and holiness.

Why? James saw his Brother, Jesus Christ, not only preaching His Father’s will but living it out one by one.

Incredible! ///