“They Cheated on Me”

A4P Guest: I am seeing a nice, loving guy. I am 27 and he is 30. He proposed to me a month ago and I am struggling now to live with my decision.

A4P: What is your decision?

A4P Guest: I said “Yes” when he proposed.

A4P: And?

A4P Guest: I am a believer in Christ Jesus. I received Jesus Christ when I was 17. But the man I’m seeing now is not a believer. He knows about Jesus and everything but when it comes to living as a born-again Christian, he doesn’t believe in that. He is okay with me being serious about God.

A4P: And what is your question for me?

A4P Guest: I know the Bible says that we shouldn’t seek marriage with unbelievers but Missy, this man is better than the two born again Christian men I dated before. They cheated on me, took advantage of me and demanded sex before marriage and one of them is a Gospel singer, if you believe this. But this man, we’ve been together now for a year and my life couldn’t be any better. He makes me enjoy life. God can help me to convert him, is that right?

A4P: Hmm! So, you expect God to wake the man up from death so He would make him your husband?

My friend, first, you can convert nobody. Holy Spirit is the One who converted you and I and brought us back to life from death (Ephesians 2:1).

Second, you don’t marry a man thinking that he will be somebody else tomorrow.

Third, there is at least one particular passage of the Bible that speaks directly into your situation. But please read this passage carefully. Notice how the word of God compares believers with unbelievers. Pay close attention to the illustrations Paul gave to show us the danger of seeking marriage with those who do not follow Christ.

“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? What harmony is there between Christ and Belial? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God.” (2 Corinthians 6:14-16a)

Can you find any commonality between the following  pairs?

Righteousness & wickedness

Light & darkness

Christ & Belial (the devil)

The Temple of God & the temple of idols

If you can’t find any commonality between the above pairs, you can’t find any commonality between a believer and an unbeliever.

I understand that you had a bad experience with believers before but can our life experiences nullify the truth of God? (Rhetorical question)

You see, living by faith, not by sight, means believing the written word of God as the only truth there is and denying any other “truths” we may see and feel that go against the word of God.

Yes, you are impressed by the man and you feel good when you think about him, being his wife and bearing his children. I understand.

But you see, when we choose to go against the word of God, we will automatically make ourselves “gods” of our lives (which we all have experienced this season of life in one way or another). And my dearest, may God save you from being god of your life because when you yourself take that throne of God, you are expected to control the whole universe for you to live in peace and you ain’t going to be able to do that. So, sweat heart, decide to believe the word of God.

Don’t give your ears to stories such as this: “I’ve been married with an unbeliever. I too have very bad experiences with believers and I’m glad I married this unbelieving man. He is nice and our marriage is peaceful. We have no problem.”

Don’t seek problem free life but life that glorifies Christ forever! May God help you! ///