Beautiful Call of A Wife

One of the most amazing calls of a wife is called “Sacred Influence.” (I borrowed this phrase from Gary Thomas, author of “Sacred Influence” – if you are a wife and didn’t read this book, you’re missing out! Read it! It will change your life and marriage forever!)

The word of God spells out the practical application of this call in this way:

“Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives” (1 Peter 3:1)

Wow! Did you hear that? Our husbands may be “won over!”

I genuinely believe that God has a good sense of humor; I really do!

I mean, think about it. God is the One who blessed me with “too many words;” but my number one call, which is to influence the man God puts over me, can only be accomplished by me closing my “big mouth!”

Yeah, that is why I always tend to kneel down before God because without God’s help, I can shut my mouth that easy.

So, for God’s call to be real in my marriage, I need God’s help; I need Holy Spirit to come and convince me to shut my mouth; and bless me with a godly “behavior” my husband desires to see in me. Then when my husband sees that change of behavior in me, God gets his attention and calls him up for a change. Don’t you love that? I do!

So, in a nutshell, this is the message of the video clip I’m sharing with you today. My English speaking followers, please, bear with me until I get this clip captioned in English. But if I don’t get it captioned for any reason, you won’t miss a thing; just read my note here. ///