Valentine’s Day Program at – – –

You know I love Valentine’s Day! And when I find opportunity to speak at the couple’s conference during the month of February, my! I get very excited.

This year, Valentine’s Day is going to be in the middle of the week. This means that we pretty much can call every conference during the month of February a Valentine’s Day conference. (At least that is how I see it.)

So, if you live in St. Louis, Missouri, I invite you to join me and the “Redeemer of World Evangelical Church” members for the Valentine’s Day conference, from Feb 2 to 5.
If I’m not mistaken, Married Couple’s Only Seminar will be on Saturday; but you need to contact the church for more information.
If you don’t live in St. Louis but know someone who does, make sure you invite them on my behalf.
I’m so looking forward to this conference. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless it with His presence! ///