Authority Over Men Or – – –

A4P Guest: The Bible says that a woman should not have authority over men. You are not allowed to teach in the church since doing so is like assuming authority over men. I’m a man and I don’t like to see a woman teaching in a church. So, why are you assuming authority over men?

A4P: Oh, my dearest, I hope I haven’t already come to your church. Let’s hope I haven’t because I can only imagine the anger and emotional torture you had to go through.
But my dear brother, you might be confused with my calling. If so, let me make it clear to you, not only to you but also to those who might be, quietly, struggling with similar questions. So, here we go:
God didn’t call and anoint me to assume authority over men; or over women for that matter; but over the power of darkness!
I’m (by the way, you are too) called and anointed to demolish the network of the devil; “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God” (2 Cor. 10) the truth of God; to walk all over the devil’s territory and repossess that which doesn’t belong to him! Oh, you missed my calling big time! My authority is against “the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph 6) who work in the dark.
But I wonder if any of the truth you’ve heard in any of my messages offended you so much that you reacted this way.
If so, leave the messenger alone and do yourself a favor: Let the truth simmer into your bones, soul and spirit, let it permeate your life. If you do that, the truth itself breaks you into smaller pieces and put you back to the person you always want and desire to be.
Isn’t that wonderful! Try it. It works since it worked for many before you and I. ///