“My boyfriend is from here, America”

A4P Guest: I’m 28 years old and my soon-to-be husband is 32. My boyfriend is from here, America and I’m from Ethiopia. My parents want us to make our wedding in an Ethiopian church but I want to do it in the American church I always go to. I felt like I’m disobeying my parents by deciding to do that. Do you think I’m disobeying my parents because I chose a church I want to do my wedding at?

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How You can Make a Man Happy When – – –


Sometimes the message has to come directly from the heart and a wise person who heard the message will put the message to heart and strive to live by it.
(One of A4P’s fans shared this with us in our inbox. Thank you!)
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord,” (Psalm 37:23)
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing,” (Proverbs 18:22)

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