Interview with Addis Demits

This interview was aired on the Addis Demits Radio station this past Sunday in the DC, Maryland and Virginia area and all over the world via Addis Demits Radio station website and social media.

I thank God for this opportunity and I thank God for the host of Addis Dimits Radio, Abebe Belew. The first time he called me, he said, “I’m not a follower of your religion but I accidentally ran into one of your YouTube videos and I loved what I heard because it is not a matter of religion but life and humanity. Your teachings help us all regardless of our faith and religion. So, I aired one of your video clips and many of my listeners asked me to invite you on my show.”

Don’t you love people like Abebe Belew? I do! You see, humanity has no religion; for example, our sexual nature is not affiliated to a particular organization; the desire of parents to provide to their children and do everything they can to protect their children has no denominational preference; rather it is the true nature of being a human being. And I personally believe that “Truth” has no religion and as the Bible says, “Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life” and He is what I want to talk about for the rest of my life. The Truth is my denomination; He is my religious affiliation.

So, I’m very thankful for people like Abebe Belew and many who’ve shared my video messages on their social media pages and YouTube channels regardless of their religious affiliations or denominations.

Thank you, Abebe Belew, for giving me this ample opportunity to be on your radio show. May the LORD bless you, your family and your hard work for the better of our Ethiopian/Eritrean community here in America! ///

P. S. No, this interview (audio-video) is not captioned in English. We apologize for that. Anybody who is willing to translate the whole interview into English can go ahead and translate it and drop us the script in our inbox. God bless!