It’s not like going from Ethiopia to America

This is a short clip from my last Sunday sermon message at Lancaster. This message is very dear and close to my heart. And to tell you the truth, this message is all about Appeal for Purity Ministry.
Please listen to it carefully. Don’t hang up on “This is very short message” or, “Please release the whole message” kind of thing. This is enough message to chew on for today and to tell you the truth, I’m purposely uploading short messages. Why?

Well, my friends, we’ve heard millions of long sermons already, haven’t we? Did our lives show change as much as the million hours we spent listening to long sermons?
Let me speak for myself; Not even close!
So, I believe what we need now, again let me speak for me, is this: To hear one truth at a time, to wrestle with that one truth day and night until I apply it directly into my life.
So, let’s wrestle with this one truth we hear in this one clip. Let’s put this truth in front of our lives like a mirror and see if there is something we need to correct.
Let’s ask ourselves just one question: Whose slave am I? While we do that, let’s read the following Bible verses: Romans 6:20-23; and 2 Peter 2:19.
May the Holy Spirit reveal His truth to us! Amen! ///
P. S. This video clip is captioned in English.