Not a Sprint but a Marathon

“Christianity is not a sprint but a marathon.”

Wow, did you hear that? How true that is!

While a sprint is a very fast, quick and short race, a marathon is a footrace of 26 miles 385 yards.

Christianity is a long journey, and a combination of different marathons. When we think we finished it all, got it all covered, to our surprise we find ourselves standing at the beginning of the race in some areas of life. Why? Because each area of life has its own race.

So, as a Christian, if you still struggle in one or more than one areas of life, take courage. We all do struggle in one way or the other. Our focus shouldn’t be on our struggles but on making sure that we stay on the race and constantly put one foot in front of the other and keep walking towards the end.

Yes, the good news is that there is an end to our race. A unique race is marked out to each one of us. And as our race has a beginning, it also has an end and the end is the one that should excite us all the most. Do you know why?

Well, our Big Brother, Jesus Christ, had already ran and finished the race on our behalf and He is now with us all the time, making sure that we get to the finishing line with victory at the presence of our enemy.

Wow! If that doesn’t excite us, I don’t what will. Listen:

“Since we are surrounded by so many examples of faith, we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially sin that distracts us. We must run the race that lies ahead of us and never give up.” (Hebrews 12:1) ///