My Journal Entry of Monday, December 28, 2009 at 5:21am

Sometimes when I feel a little down or lose interest to pray and worship God or don’t want to do the work of God, I tend to go back to my journals and flip some pages and read. I just did that few minutes ago. God encouraged me as I read some of my entries from 2005.

Some of my entries go like this: God spoke to my heart saying, “this and that.” Oh, I can’t tell you how much those entries encourage me. Continue reading My Journal Entry of Monday, December 28, 2009 at 5:21am


Last Sunday, our senior pastor said, “This week is a week you bless everyone you run into. Or, call someone and when they pick up the phone, don’t even say “Hi” or anything. Just pour a blessing on them.”

I love it! So, this morning, I decide to bless you. Since A4P Facebook page fans are diverse, I want to write my blessing to a group of people:

To Married Couples: Continue reading Blessings!